Eyelash Extensions

Classic Eyelash Extensions

With classic lashes, there will be one single classic eyelash extension applied to every natural lash. This set is the most natural and mimics the look of mascara.

  • $125

  • $40

  • $45

  • $60

Hybrid Eyelash Extensions

With hybrid lashes, there will be a mixture of single classic lashes and fanned volume lashes applied to every natural lash. These are not as natural as classic, but not as dramatic as volume.

  • $150

  • $50

  • $55

  • $70

Volume Eyelash Extensions

With volume lashes, there will be one fanned volume eyelash extension applied to every natural lash. These are the most dramatic and mimic the look of a false strip lash.

  • $175

  • $60

  • $65

  • $80

We are currently not accepting any new eyelash extension clients at this time due to a shortage of staff. Sorry for any inconvenience that this might cause.

Eyelash Extension FAQs

What is the difference between the classic, hybrid and volume lashes?

The difference in the different lash sets is the fullness of the lashes.

With classic lashes, there will be one single eyelash extensions applied to every natural lash. These are the most natural.

With hybrid lashes, there will be a mixture of single lashes and fanned volume lashes applied to every natural lash. There are in the middle of classic and volume when it comes to thickness/fullness.

With volume lashes, there will be a fanned volume eyelash extension applied to every natural lash. These are the most dramatic.

Will eyelash extensions damage my real lashes?

When eyelash extensions are applied correctly and taken care of properly, they do not damage the natural lashes.

Will eyelash extensions make my real lashes fall out?

The eyelash extensions themselves will not cause your natural lashes to fall out. Our natural lashes shed on their own every 2-4 weeks, which is why it is recommended to get your lashes filled every 2 weeks. When your natural lashes shed off, the fake eyelash extension will shed with it.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

If you get a full set and let them shed off without any refills, they will last around 4 weeks. For eyelash extension maintenance, it is suggested to get refills every 2 weeks to keep the lashes looking full. At Studio B, if you go past your 3 week fill mark, we do require you to get a full set.